Tank Creek Preserve
Forever Protected
About Tank Creek Preserve

Tank Creek Preserve is Located in Stafford County adjacent to the south end of Marine Corps Base Quantico near Widewater State Park, its nearly 20 acres are entirely forested with mature hardwood trees. One particular tree's trunk is wider than an adult's outstretched arms span. The preserve has a natural spring running through it that feeds into a stream to form one of the property boundaries. This thriving landscape is home to various native Virginia species, such as the Eastern box turtle, red fox, and white-tailed deer.
The land was originally part of the historic Chelsea estate, owned by General George Mason Cooke (1792-1866). George Mason Cooke’s grandfather was Founding Father George Mason (1725-1792), who wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which served as the basis for the United States Bill of Rights. His father, Col. John Travers Cooke, was a significant supplier of freestone during the construction of much of the formidable architecture of Washington, DC.
The Tank Creek Preserve's most recent owner saw this unique property's ecological value and beauty and decided to preserve it rather than build on it. She wanted to ensure it was left in good hands and reached out to NVCT. With your help, NVCT raised enough funds to save Tank Creek for wildlife and residents everywhere to enjoy!

Conservation Value
Tank Creek contains a wide range of tree species, such as American beech, Northern red oak, chestnut oak, white oak, hickory, American holly, tulip poplar, and American hornbeam. Many of the trees on the property are mature hardwoods with deep root systems, providing essential ecosystem services like water purification and soil erosion prevention. The property holds significant forest conservation value with areas of outstanding conservation importance, according to the Virginia Department of Forestry.
Along with the area’s diverse tree species, Tank Creek also provides habitat for various animals. The property ranks highly in the state’s ConserveVirginia Natural Habitat & Ecosystem Diversity category. Virginia opossums, Eastern tiger swallowtail butterflies, downy woodpeckers, and white-tailed deer, to name a few species, are known to roam through this area. They help sustain the Tank Creek preserve by pollinating plants, and playing their part in the circle of life. The habitat connectivity and diversity of life in Tank Creek are why the Virginia Natural Landscape Assessment (VaNLA) give it a very high ecological core. According to VaNLA, areas with high ecological cores should be prioritized for conservation efforts.
In addition, portions of the property rank High on the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation Watershed Impact Model. This means parts of the Tank Creek Preserve are crucial for channeling water from snowmelt or rain to bodies of water like the Potomac River.
The science speaks for itself. Places like this are rare and becoming rarer. This property is truly special and once it is protected, it will be a valuable community resource forever.
Our Plan
NVCT anticipates managing the Tank Creek parcel as part of our network of nature preserves, which includes several other sites in Stafford. We intend to open the preserve to the public several times a year for guided naturalist hikes in partnership with the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation.
We will collaborate with the local community to prepare a unique management plan for it within one year of taking ownership. We will seek funding assistance for amenities and public access improvements consistent with the management vision and typically implement those improvements over a two- to three-year timeframe. We will manage this preserve as a community resource for everyone to enjoy.

Partners in Protecting
As always, NVCT is collaborating with numerous valued partners within our community to make this project possible. This support ranges from helping with our purchase efforts to planning and managing the long-term stewardship and interpretive programs once the property is protected. We are grateful for their assistance.
White House Farm Foundation, with support from the Plein Family Foundation, pledged to match all donations up to $20,000
Virginia Outdoors Foundation covered $110,000 of project costs
The Friends of Widewater State Park and the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation - volunteer stewardship and interpretive programming
NVCT partner, Stafford County supports the purchase of Tank Creek Preserve as it complies with the open space conservation goals of its Comprehensive Plan
Marine Corps Base Quantico recognizes the property’s critical role as a protected buffer for the base
George Washington Regional Commission supports our purchase because of its compliance with its Green Infrastructure Plan.
“We strongly support the conservation of open space and natural resource lands in the Potomac River Corridor under the county’s Comprehensive Plan, as well as the Land Conservation program, and are prepared to actively support NVCT in pursuing this acquisition." – Kathy Baker Assistant Director of Planning and Zoning, Stafford County.

Your Part
This unique piece of property is a part of Virginia’s rich history, provides habitat to native flora and fauna, and has the potential to be enjoyed by all who visit it. We need more parks and open spaces, and the Tank Creek Preserve property in Stafford County fits the bill perfectly.
As your local land trust, our mission is to protect the lands and waters of Northern Virginia for habitat, recreation, and healthy communities. But we couldn’t do it alone. Thanks to a generous grant from the Virginia Outdoors Foundation, NVCT received more than half of the necessary funding to purchase Tank Creek. The White House Farm Foundation, with support from the Plein Family Trust, provided a significant loan to the purchase and pledged to match all Save Tank Creek donations up to a total of $20,000. With your support, we were able to meet that match! You helped preserve a valuable natural resource for Northern Virginia and fulfill Joyce Arndt's dream of protecting Tank Creek!