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Wangari Maathai
Wangarĩ Muta Maathai (/wænˈɡɑːri mɑːˈtaɪ/) was a Kenyan social, environmental and a political activist and the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1977, Maathai founded the Green Belt Movement, an environmental non-governmental organization focused on the planting of trees, environmental conservation, and women's rights.
Reading Materials
Kids Books:
Wangari Maathai: the woman who planted millions of trees by Franck Prevot
Planting the trees of Kenya: the story of Wangari Maathai by Claire Nivola
Dr. Wangari Maathai plants a forest by Rebel Girls
Mama Miti: Wangari Maathai and the trees of Kenya by Donna Jo Napoli
Seeds of change: planting a path to peace by Jen Cullerton Johnson
Unbowed: a memoir by Wangari Maathai

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