Inclusion | Diversity | Equity | Accessibility
I.D.E.A is a Shared Vision
For 30 years, our mission at NVCT has been to add and sustain abundant, thriving natural places in our Virginia communities. The significance of that mission has only increased, and we envision a Northern Virginia that balances a quickly developing area with land, water, and wildlife, maintaining its tranquility and positive ecological benefits for the millions of people in our region. To achieve our mission and execute our vision, we must cultivate inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility in every facet of our work.
Regardless of our backgrounds, the land, and water surrounding us connect us. Our tagline, "Saving Nearby Nature," should not be misunderstood as just the grass in your lawn or the flowers in your pots, but instead, it is about saving you, the place you live, the water you drink, the food you eat, and every other living critter that share this place.

"The broader environmental movement's longstanding lack of diversity is both an ethical problem and a powerful limit on its effectiveness. The NVCT must reflect the region it serves – one of the most diverse in the country."
-Ranjit Singh, NVCT Board Member
and IDEA Committee Member
Why IDEA is Part of our Daily Goals
If we are to truly execute this vision of a more equitable NOVA, we must address conservation's systemic injustices and how these inequities affect Northern Virginia's people and communities.
Often, our diverse communities lack the resources and direct access to green space, creating an unhealthy human-nature divide that is not as prominent in less diverse neighborhoods. We at NVCT believe conservation is vital in shrinking that divide, combining public and private conservation easements throughout Northern Virginia, preserving a connective tissue of green infrastructure, and placing access to nature at the forefront of our initiatives.
Our tagline has not changed, and neither have our goals. We are simply targeting inequality in the conservation space to ensure our work impacts everyone because regardless of whether you own 40 acres or a quarter, this earth belongs to us all.
Inclusion - The act of encouraging and welcoming authentic participation of all people in our community and conservation practices to promote diversity of ideas, voices, and backgrounds.
Diversity - Continuously pursuing involvement with various places and people to ensure an organization that is multifarious in its work, ideas, opinions, views, and representation.
Equity - Identifying inequities and creating custom resources and opportunities to create fair and equal access to nature for all.
Accessibility - Diligently working to break down barriers that prevent spaces and opportunities from being attainable and open to all.
"As I've gotten older, it's been increasingly interesting, especially for me to think about how we're preparing our world in the future. To be open so that nobody ever feels left out in any way, simply. I don't want my peers to feel like they don't belong in an urban landscape if they don't look a certain way."
-Shruti Kuppa NVCT Board Chair
and IDEA Committee Member
Our Work so Far

We are consistently working on ourselves and ways to infuse IDEA into everything we do. A few of our recent efforts include:
NVCT’s IDEA Committee was formed in 2020 to reflect upon the organization’s internal equity as well as external efforts to further inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility
Joined the Virginia Conservation Fellowship program, which allows us to host a student of color from the University of Mary Washington or George Mason University each school year to give students from underrepresented backgrounds experience in the conservation field
Staff and Board underwent DEI trainings in the winter and spring of 2023 to spread cultural competency and determine a baseline for the organization’s IDEA practices
The Road Ahead
Here are few goals we are working toward to integrate IDEA into our conservation work, programs and workplace culture.
Designing and implementing a more inclusive recruitment process for staff, Board, and advisory council members
Consulting with other land trusts on how they have implemented IDEA in their work
Building partnerships with organizations across our service area that are IDEA-focused
Identifying and applying for funding to support IDEA-driven projects and programs
Continuing to build cultural competency amongst Board and staff