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The Northern Virginia Conservation Trust is committed to saving nearby nature across the region, with more than 9,000 acres conserved in the last 25 years. 

​We work collaboratively with landowners to conserve land in the northern Virginia region. Whether or not to protect your land involves a thoughtful review of the goals you have for your property, its features, financial considerations, and your family’s vision for your property's future. NVCT is committed to helping you assess the various options available to you.

Since the community benefits from the conservation of open spaces and natural areas, there are potential tax incentives available for private landowners who conserve and donate their land. NVCT can help you examine the possible federal and state income tax implications associated with your property, in addition to the federal, state, and local real estate and estate tax benefits and reductions that may apply to you and your property.


To discuss land conservation, please contact NVCT Conservation Director Matt Gerhart at 703.354.5093. Your initial queries will be held in confidence.

Land Conservation Options


Conservation Easements

Conservation easements are voluntary legal agreements that landowners enter to permanently restrict the uses of their land.


Conservation easements are NVCT’s most common, most effective way of protecting land.

May 28

Cheesecake, figs, and pinot noir.

Wine & Dessert Party

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Land Donations

A gift of land for conservation is a generous legacy a landowner can provide to future generations, as well as to honor those who came before them.



Tax Benefits

Like other donations, there are significant tax deductions and tax credits that provide incentives for people to make gifts of conserved land.


  • Permanently protect the land you love
  • Retain the right to own and operate the property
  • Extract some of the land’s cash value now without having to sell the property
  • Maintain the ability to sell the property later (subject to easement restrictions)
  • Assist in estate planning
  • Ability to take direct action that can benefit the entire community
Every property is unique. Likewise, every conservation easement is different and tailored to that property. NVCT gives landowners all their options, but it is essential to consult your own legal and tax professionals for advice before any transaction.


Name: Hidden Covey Farm

Location: Loudoun County

Conservation Value:

  • Watershed Protection

  • Historic preservation

  • Agriculture and Forestry

  • Natural Habitat

  • Scenic Open Space

Size:75 Acres

Public Access: No

Partners: NRCS; VLCF; Loudoun County (co-holder)

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